Amdo region 2014 monlam activities - videos and photos
Ksetrapala is a major figure in the Cham dance and is an energetic, inspiring and compelling dancer. The video below was taken at Sengeshong Magotsang (Xia Wutun) in February 2014. It shows Ksetrapala atop the zor as he performs the final dismemberment of the lingka with his chopper.
At GONLUNG JAMPALING (Youning Si) the Cham dance is spectacular, with over eighty dancers performing their special magic for the benefit of their local Tu minority, Mongolian, and Tibetan followers.
Shanag dancers arrive for the culminating part of the Cham dance.
Note the traditional zor in the foreground as well as the Yama Mandala structure to its right. All under the watchful eye of Huang Gun a local protector god.
(The black parasol is to protect the zor and the mandala from direct sunshine.)
The photo above is an overview of the Gonlung courtyard area, with Yama Cham dancers sitting either side of staircase on the left. The Nechung Protector entourage is located in the enclosure to the right of the photo, with a green-faced Atsara at the entrance.
Meanwhile the Yama Mandala and the zor wait to be taken in procession to the ritual burning site and destroyed in the straw hut conflagration. The central part of the mandala is made of dorma sticks, each with a round head and face atop. Around the outside are strung animal intestines from sheep and yak.